You can now pick up a copy of our new trail map and guide to the Greensboro Ridge Natural Area at the trailhead or download it on our website.
Ticked off? Mark your calendar for Wednesday, September 11, for a symposium on ticks at the Etna Library.
You can now pick up a copy of our new trail map and guide to the Greensboro Ridge Natural Area at the trailhead or download it on our website.
Ticked off? Mark your calendar for Wednesday, September 11, for a symposium on ticks at the Etna Library.
Bambi, we’re watching you! The effects of snacking deer are being measured at Balch Hill in a cooperative Conservancy/ College project. After just one year, results are significant.
We’re pleased to welcome Jim Wooster to our Board of Directors! Meet him and the rest of our board here.
Check out our newly updated trail map for the Rinker-Steele Natural Area. This shows the new connection with Oak Hill trails, and where an old trail has been closed.
If you haven’t been to Balch Hill lately, you’re missing all the action! Check out our progress in restoring this historic agricultural landscape, with the help of Hudson Forestry and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. MORE
Spring trips are now done for the season. Current Conservancy members will receive our announcement of fall trips near the end of August.
Come along on Sunday, June 16, 9-10:30am – Hike back in time to when a mile-thick glacier moved over Hanover, followed by an icy lake. Today, beautiful trails along the Connecticut River take us past the esker left behind. Join us for a family-friendly trip through a towering riverside forest. Meet: Trailhead off Pine Knoll Cemetery Road. Leader: Dartmouth Earth Sciences Professor Carl Renshaw. Level: Easy.
Thanks to the volunteers who came out on Upper Valley Trails Day to help Bill Knight repair and stabilize our beautiful bridge. Next up – a new round of activity at our Balch Hill Natural Area, where we are working under a cost-share grant from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service to restore habitat and this historic agricultural landscape. Wider views will be the reward for human visitors!