Hanover Conservancy President Nancy Collier and Executive Director Adair Mulligan talked about trails, getting outdoors, and our terrific volunteers with Judy McKeown recently on Judy’s “Spirit of the Valley” on CATV.
Get the Garlic Mustard at Mink Brook!

Garlic mustard is exploding near the Mink Brook Nature Preserve, in a patch near the brook wedged between parcels owned by the Hanover Conservancy and the Upper Valley Land Trust. Help us yank it before it invades the preserve.
Wednesday, July 11, 4:00-6:30 pm. Meet at UVLT at 19 Buck Road. More info
Pulling Party & Equipment Needed
Sprouting glossy buckthorn is cause for celebration – or at least a pulling party on Saturday, July 7, 9-11am. Help yank ’em before they get going at Mink Brook Nature Preserve. Meet at Brook Road gate.
Are you downsizing or upgrading? We’d love to help you clean out your closet! The Hanover Conservancy is looking for a four-drawer file cabinet and a few pairs of binoculars. Please get in touch if you can help.
Name That Trail
The votes are in – GREENSBORO HIGHLANDS TRAIL – new at Greensboro Ridge Natural Area! For a trail map and more, visit our page on this 113-acre property.
Our new, more informative trailhead signs are now going up. Look for them at Mink Brook, Slade Brook, and Greensboro Ridge.
Back in Time on Tunis Brook: Sunday June 10
Join us for our last spring trip – a journey back in time to the one-room Tunis Schoolhouse that once held 26 children in then-busy northeast Hanover. Then we’ll hike in to the protected site of an historic 18th century sawmill on tiny Tunis Brook. Co-sponsored with the Hanover Historical Society. Download details and directions here
Try our new Greensboro Ridge trail!
Our new trail at the Greensboro Ridge Natural Area is ready for visitors, thanks to last week’s help from Hypertherm volunteers and our hardy, rain-drenched crew on Upper Valley Trails Day. Blazing will be completed soon, but the half-mile path, which links the Silent Brook Trail with Oli’s Eagle Trail, is now easy to follow. Try it out!
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