Saturday, May 19, 2-4pm – Bring your kites and kids to join us for a joyous and colorful afternoon of kite-flying in the breezes of Balch Hill. More, including a slide show of the 2010 event, here.
Woodcock Walk & Talk
Woodcock are singing as part of their mysteriously elaborate aerial displays. Find out more about them and how to manage land for ideal woodcock habitat on April 13. More
Trails Softening ~ Bears Out Soon!
This week’s unusually warm temperatures mean muddy trails. It’s best to stay off the trails until they dry out and harden up. An exception is the Quinn Trail at Mink Brook Nature Preserve.
Time to bring in your bird feeders! State biologists expect the bears weren’t fooled by this mild winter any more than we were, and ask that you bring in your bird feeders now, and don’t wait until April 1.
Moonlight Hike at Slade Brook – March 3
Our annual moonlight hike is slated for 5-8pm, to prowl the Slade Brook watershed by the light of the waxing, gibbous moon and then gather around a bonfire. Headlamps and snowshoes are advised; extra snowshoes available. A great trip for families with children 7 and up. Meet at 11 Old Lyme Road. We hope the weather will clear out in time – for questions, call leader Hugh Mellert at 646-3903 (office) or 643-7778.
Marshall Brook Wetlands Trip Feb. 25
On Feb. 25, we explored this extensive wild area in the northeast corner of Hanover with naturalist Alcott Smith, and found fresh bobcat tracks and a beaver mansion, among many other discoveries. Take the tour (through the lens of Jim Block’s camera) here!
Icy trails
“Winter” has not yet brought the most inviting trail conditions. Consider adding traction-enhancers to your winter wardrobe. Micro-spikes, stabilicers, grippers, YaxTrax, mini-crampons, and other such gear stretch over your boots and are available in a wide range of colors at local outfitters. They’re useful on slippery driveways and sidewalks too.