Thanks to those who reported downed trees and limbs courtesy of Hurricane Sandy. We have two trees down across the trails at each of the following natural areas: Greensboro Ridge, Balch Hill Natural Area, and Mink Brook. Our volunteers will be heading out to clear these obstructions and hazards as soon as possible. If you’d like to help, please contact us.
Hanover Conservancy Talks Trails on CATV
Hanover Conservancy President Nancy Collier and Executive Director Adair Mulligan talked about trails, getting outdoors, and our terrific volunteers with Judy McKeown recently on Judy’s “Spirit of the Valley” on CATV.
Get the Garlic Mustard at Mink Brook!

Garlic mustard is exploding near the Mink Brook Nature Preserve, in a patch near the brook wedged between parcels owned by the Hanover Conservancy and the Upper Valley Land Trust. Help us yank it before it invades the preserve.
Wednesday, July 11, 4:00-6:30 pm. Meet at UVLT at 19 Buck Road. More info
Try our new Greensboro Ridge trail!
Our new trail at the Greensboro Ridge Natural Area is ready for visitors, thanks to last week’s help from Hypertherm volunteers and our hardy, rain-drenched crew on Upper Valley Trails Day. Blazing will be completed soon, but the half-mile path, which links the Silent Brook Trail with Oli’s Eagle Trail, is now easy to follow. Try it out!
Planting at Mink Brook Preserve
Visitors to the Mink Brook Nature Preserve will notice something new this week – stakes, mesh sleeves, fresh flagging – and 2000 new trees and shrubs! Our volunteers, led by forester Ehrhard Frost and crew, are now replanting natives to fill in areas where invasive buckthorn, honeysuckle, and autumn olive had been removed. This major project has been funded with a cost-share from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Thanks to the Hanover Lions Club for sending helping hands for this project.
Tunis Brook Mill Lot
On Earth Day, a hardy group of 10 volunteers cleared much of the path to our gem in northeastern Hanover: the Tunis Brook Mill Lot. Find photos and upcoming chances to lend a hand here. Join us on Sunday, April 29 from 1-3 pm to finish the job and visit this special place.