Bring the family on Saturday for our annual snowshoe hike in the Slade Brook watershed by moonlight! DETAILS.
Find out what you missed on previous trips here.
Join us for a tour of this historic Etna Farm on Sunday from 1-3 pm. DETAILS
The Hanover Conservancy is pleased to accept gifts of appreciated stock – it’s an easy way to give back to the community. MORE
Our bear spies near the Mink Brook Nature Preserve are still reporting sightings of a sow and her three cubs, most recently on Gilson Road on Dec. 31, the latest anyone can recall. The birds might have to rely on wild food for another week or two. A ready source of “take-out” (your birdfeeder) might keep the bears from hitting the sack on time.
we hope you’ll remember the Hanover Conservancy in your year-end giving plans. We NEVER wind down!
News on the 2014 deer hunting season on Conservancy properties is now available. Be safe out there – wear your orange!