When a land trust takes ownership of either land or a conservation easement, they are agreeing to care for that land forever. Properties owned by the Hanover Conservancy are our sole responsibility, and the costs of managing invasive species, building and maintaining bridges, benches and kiosks, and updating trail guides add up. We are so grateful to our dedicated volunteers, many of whom have worked with our organization for decades!
When we hold a conservation easement, the landowner is responsible for cost of care and management; our responsibility is to annually monitor the land and ensure changes adhere to the requirements in each custom easement. However, we often provide trail work, management guidance and lead volunteer workdays on easement properties at the request of the landowner.
In order to manage maintenance costs long-term, our Board has created stewardship funds for each property we own, so that the interest generated covers typical annual costs. We gratefully accept donations of any size towards our Land Stewardship Fund, or towards specific properties. Your contribution will help keep land open and free for all to use- forever!